What is Seasonal Hair Loss?

Did you know that humans have around 100,000 hair follicles and tend to shed approximately 60-100 hairs every day due to the normal hair loss cycle that allots each strand a 4 year life span?

About 10 % of hair may be in the ‘resting’ phase (referred to as telogen) after which point the hair falls out, but it’s generally not noticed due to natural regrowth. Indeed, your whole head of hair is replaced in a continual cycle about every four years.

Higher rates of hair loss occur in October and November, said to be due to the aftermath of hair growth in summer to protect the scalp from hot summer sun and ultra-violet radiation. Seasonal hair loss occurs again in the springtime - March, April and May - as a natural part of the hair growth cycle.

How you can know hair loss is seasonal and not the onset of alopecia, for example, is that the strands fall from all over the scalp, and not noticeably from obvious patches or the part-line. Seasonal loss usually lasts only 4-6 weeks and is usually not noticeable by anyone but yourself.

We know that excessive hair loss can occur for a range of reasons, including disease, extreme stress and exposure to radiation or certain chemicals or chemotherapy. When possible, you can try to prevent hair from falling out by reducing stress or with products to stimulate microcirculation of the scalp to reduce the resting phase.

You will also want to take in proper nutrition and plenty of water, maintaining overall good bodily health. Otherwise, you can be assured that in most instances, and certainly in seasonal situations, hair loss is temporary and will eventually subside after the cause is removed or with the passing of time.

Perhaps unveiling your new hat collection is one way to make a fashion statement while also disguising any discomfort with springtime seasonal hair loss. And remember, if the problem persists, there is always the help of a professional hair replacement specialist just a visit away.

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